Wine Club

  • Twenty-Sixth (26th) Edition Wine Club

     This month's theme is "For the Grill". I wanted wines that felt suitable to all different types of outdoor cooking that we will all inevitably be ...
  • Twenty-Fifth (25th) Edition Wine Club

    There is a dual theme to this month of Wine Club: Summer Wines & Repetition. It's a dual theme because the two wines everyone is getting ar...
  • Twenty-Fourth (24th) Wine Club

    I started off with a theme for this month's Wine Club ("new world" winemakers), then had the opportunity to place Francois Saint-Lo's wines (very m...
  • Twenty Third (23rd) Edition Wine Club

    For some reason I keep saying to myself, "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?!" when it comes to the theme of this month's Wine Club. And while th...
  • Twenty-Second (22nd) Wine Club

    This month we are exploring wines from the Loire Valley. The Loire is a French appellation that runs from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to central...
  • Twenty-First (21st) Edition Wine Club

    This might be controversial one...ROSE ALL DAY! * For February Wine Club -- the month of LOVE -- I'm going to be doing all kinds of rose. As a se...
  • Twentieth (20th) Edition Wine Club

    It might be obvious based on the selection at Heaven's and past Wine Clubs that I have a strong preference toward French and Californian wine. Ever...
  • Nineteenth (19th) Edition Wine Club

    For some reason this Wine Club felt like an occassion to celebrate. Maybe it has to do with it being the end of the year, or the fact that this is ...
  • Eigteenth (18th) Edition Wine Club

    It's November, which means Wine Club is oriented around wines you can pair with your Thanksgiving dinner. TWO   Michel Guignier La Bonne Pioche '...
  • Seventeenth (17) Edition Wine Club

    We're finishing what we started in the previous Wine Club and moving into the southern regions of France and northern Spain. In France, we have win...
  • Sixteenth (16th) Edition Wine Club

    First off, I'd like to apologize because I was living in my own calendar world where the second Saturday of the month was September 16th, having co...
  • Fifteenth (15th) Edition Wine Club

    California, cont. If it wasn't obvious enough last month, I'm passionate about California wine and winemakers. Since there are so many to feature, ...